ESPP Release Notes - Version 24.2.0 (May 8, 2024)

These release notes describe changes made to the ESPP Employee Stock Purchase Plan management platform. System updates are comprised of features and fixes that are deployed in regularly scheduled major and minor releases.

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The release notes are organized by the categories listed below. Scroll down to read them.



  1.1 The Multicurrency feature is scheduled to be added to the platform
    A new feature, Multicurrency, is scheduled to be added to Certent Equity Management (CEM) platform in a coming release. This feature enables you to issue grants and view reports in different currencies. By supporting multiple currencies, CEM is addressing a particular need for global customers who need support, across the platform, for having this functionality available to them.
CEM-21919 1.2 Users can no longer create a duplicate grant number within a Plan, provided that the Plan setting is not updated manually

Certent will no longer allow a user to create a duplicate grant number within a plan, as long as the plan setting is not updated manually.

Plan Settings: Under Settings > Plans > General tab > Grant Naming > Plan level Next Grant Number. Next, the grant number for each individual grant type has been removed. A prefix and suffix can still be created at the individual grant type level.

When editing a plan and entering the next grant number, if the grant number entered is already in use, the user will receive an error message stating: “Grant number X is in use. Please enter a different number more than Y.” (where Y is the largest existing grant number already in use in the plan).

When editing a plan and entering the next grant number, if the grant number entered is not in use but is less than the highest existing grant number, the user will receive an error message stating: “Grant number X is less than the highest existing grant number. Please enter a grant number that is greater than Y.” (where Y is the largest existing grant number already in use in the plan).

When creating a new grant, the system will assign the next grant number based on the Plan setting and increment the Next Grant Number in the plan. For example, if the plan is set for the Next Grant Number to be number 2, when creating the next grant, the system will set the grant number to 2 and update the Next Grant Number on the plan to 3.

With this change, the Next Grant Number will be populated with the plans highest existing grant number +1.

Templates: Newawards and Newrsawards will no longer allow import of a new grant with an existing award number.

  • Grant Number is no longer a required field.

  • If the Grant Number IS NOT provided in the template, the system will use the Next Grant Number stored at the Plan level as the grant number for the imported grant and will increment the Next Grant Number at the plan level.

  • If the Grant Number IS provided, and that grant number does not yet exist, the import will complete successfully, applying the grant number provided to the new grant.

  • If the Grant Number IS provided, a grant already exists with that grant number, “New Flag” is set to Yes, and Plan, Participant, and award type match, then the existing grant will be updated.

  • If the Grant Number IS provided, a grant already exists with that grant number, and “New Flag” is set to No, the template will not import and will return an error, preventing a duplicate grant number from being created.

  • If the Grant Number IS provided, a grant already exists with that grant number, “New Flag” is set to Yes, but one or more of the duplicate checking criteria (Plan, Participant, or Award Type) do not match, the template will not import and will return an error, preventing the grant from being updated.




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CEM-27655 3.1 ESPP Expense Recognition Not Accelerating for Withdrawals after Reset
    Users can now see the original offering period Expense also get accelerated, along with the expense of the offering period from which a participant An individual or entity participating in an equity compensation plan and/or employee stock purchase plan withdrew in the ESPP Expense Accrual Reports.
CEM-30320 3.2 The ESPP Expense Accrual report has been modified to exclude the previous period's expense
    In the event of a withdrawal from an offering period, only accelerated expenses for that report run period will be shown in the ESPP Expense Accrual report. The previous period's expense will no longer display.


PARTICIPANT PORTAL Online portal used by participants to perform various grant-related tasks as allowed by company policy

CEM-27649 4.1 The Participant Portal ESPP Estimated Value calculations have been updated
    The estimated value is now correctly calculated and displayed.



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