ESPP Release Notes - Version 24.1.0 (February 14, 2024)

These release notes describe changes made to the ESPP Employee Stock Purchase Plan management platform. System updates are comprised of features and fixes that are deployed in regularly scheduled major and minor releases.

The help system is the primary source of information and instructions about new features. When you see a blue link in a release note item, click it to view a related help topic in a separate browser window.

The release notes are organized by the categories listed below. Scroll down to read them.





CEM-27800 1.1 Validation Message Improvements on Offering Periods > Election Settings page
    Click Administration > Offering Periods and select an Offering Period Number. On the next screen, select the Election Settings tab. As a result of these updates, the user will now know exactly which customized instruction field is generating error messages. This will prevent confusion for users, allowing for a better overall experience.
CEM-25282 1.2 Adjustments have been made to the validation for the Customizable Instructions for Withdrawal field
    Click Administration > Offering Periods and select an Offering Period Number. On the next screen, select the Election Settings tab. There are limits to the number of characters allowed in the Customizable Instructions for Withdrawal field. When the character count is exceeded, the withdrawal text field turns red now, as expected. This lets the user know to reduce the character count so it is under the limit.
CEM-25278 1.3 On the Offering Periods > Election Settings page, you can only enter up to the 1000 characters in any field that is customizable
    Click Administration > Offering Periods and select an Offering Period Number. On the next screen, select the Election Settings tab. You can now only enter up to the allotted 1000-character limit on this page. This prevents you from saving over the 1000-character amount and creates a better user experience. It also prevents the storage of unnecessary data and text.



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CEM-23706 3.1 All ESPP Fair Value reports have been updated to include a Participant ID filter
    You will now see Participant Name as a filter for all the ESPP Fair Value reports. This additional filter allows you to filter the results using Participant Name or ID.


PARTICIPANT PORTAL Online portal used by participants to perform various grant-related tasks as allowed by company policy

CEM-27377 4.1 Portfolio Shares on Pie Chart were not Matching the Shares Issued
    Rounding rules have been implemented for pie chart tables in the same fashion as the Portfolio tab table. Changes have been applied to Exercisable Unvested, Exercisable Vested, and Unvested shares.
CEM-27004 4.2 The white font on the participant An individual or entity participating in an equity compensation plan and/or employee stock purchase plan portal has been updated to display more favorably against the lighter background
    Since it was difficult to see the white font on the participant portal, it has been updated for better visibility.



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