ESPP Release Notes - Version 23.1.2 (Jan 26, 2023)

These release notes describe changes made to the ESPP Employee Stock Purchase Plan management platform. System updates are comprised of features and fixes that are deployed in regularly scheduled major and minor releases.

The help system is the primary source of information and instructions about new features. When you see a blue link in a release note item, click it to view a related help topic in a separate browser window.

The release notes are organized by the categories listed below. Scroll down to read them.



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  There are no items for this category in this release.


PARTICIPANT PORTAL Online portal used by participants to perform various grant-related tasks as allowed by company policy

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  There are no items for this category in this release.


  There are no items for this category in this release.


cem-19969 7.1 Terminating a participant An individual or entity participating in an equity compensation plan and/or employee stock purchase plan in a RESET Offering period(OP) is not creating the refund in correct OP
    Terminating a participant in a reset offering period is not creating a refund. For example, when an offering period 1 is reset to offering period 2, any residuals from a purchase in offering period 1 will carry over to offering period 2. If the participant then terminates, the participant is withdrawn from offering period 2, and the residual that was carried forward to offering period 2 should be refunded. Currently, the amount carried forward to offering period 2 is not being refunded. This will be fixed in a future release.
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