ESPP Release Notes - Version 21.11 (May 13, 2021)

These release notes describe changes made to the ESPP Employee Stock Purchase Plan management platform in version 21.11 on May 13, 2021. System updates are comprised of features and fixes that are deployed in regularly scheduled major and minor releases.

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The release notes are organized by the categories listed below. Scroll down to read them.



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  3.2 ESPP reports do not handle scenario where termination date and purchase date are the same. [CER-15130]
    Under specific situations, when a person participates in an ESPP purchase and then terminates on the same day, reports, roll forwards, and refunds and balances did not function correctly. To resolve this issue, we have added an override feature at the enrollment level. Therefore, even if the Offering Period has carry forward to next Offering Period set to Yes, the individual enrollment can be set to Refund for Participants with termination date equals purchase date.


PARTICIPANT PORTAL Online portal used by participants to perform various grant-related tasks as allowed by company policy

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  7.1 ESPP elections not saving during enrollment period for 2nd purchase in offering period [CER-16354]
    Within the ESPP module when an Offering Period has more than one Purchase Period, the Enrollment Period may be defined for the entire Offering Period or for the individual Purchase Periods. When defined for the individual Purchase Periods and a currently enrollment participant An individual or entity participating in an equity compensation plan and/or employee stock purchase plan attempted to make a change during the Enrollment Period, the requested change is not being saved. This will be addressed in a future release.
  7.2 Termination-based withdrawals should refund residual after purchase complete [CER-16334]

Within the ESPP module when the Termination Contribution Treatment setting is set to Purchase (allowing a participant withdrawn due to termination to purchase with currently collected contributions), part of the purchase processing should be to refund any residuals post-purchase amounts. The system is not currently following this process and will be addressed in a future release.

Until resolved, users can adjust the Fractional Residual Handling or Limit Residual Handling settings to Refund for participants who have withdrawn due to termination and are allowed to participate in the next purchase.

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